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The village of Drachevo is located in southeastern Bulgaria, at the foot of Strandja Mountain, 20 km from the town of Sredets and 35 km from the southern Black sea coast.
The village of Drachevo belongs to Sredetz municipality, Burgas region.
The Sredetz municipality is located in southeastern Bulgaria. Disposed on 1146 sq. km (1 % of the territory of Bulgaria) it is one of the biggest municipalities in the country. The Sredetz municipality is an important crossroad for three regions – the South Black seaside, the South central region and the Republic of Turkey. The Sredetz municipality borders with Sozopol and Malko Tarnovo on the east; Boliarovo – on the southwest; Elhovo, Yambol and Straldja – on the west; Kameno – on the north. The municipality of Sredets is important motor transport centre for the settlements from the middle part of Strandja Mountain as the main roads leading to the towns of Elhovo, Yambol, Karnobat and Burgas pass through the town. Тhe lands from the southeastern part of the municipality comprise part of the lands of the enchanting ‘Strandja’ reserve and the place ‘Bojura’ is defined as one of the most perspective areas for developing tourism in the municipality.
The relief of the municipality is hilly in its south part, including the north spurs of Strandja Mounatin. The north part is mainly flat comprising part of the Burgas lowland.
The altitude is from 30 to 700 meters.
The Sredets municipality includes 33 settlements with administrative centre the town of Sredets. 15 from the settlements form the municipality have population fewer than 100 inhabitants.
The municipality of Sredets is rich in historic, archeological and ethnographic monuments: the ancient town Deultum, antique and medieval strongholds at the settlements: Debelt, Sredets, Fakiya, Rosenovo, Bogdanovo, Bukovo, Kirovo, Yabalkovo, Momina tsarkva; ethnographic houses in Momina tsarkva; ‘Bukovski’ monastery. At the territory of the municipality is located the only monastery in the southern part of Burgas region – ‘Jivopriemnii iztochnik’ monastery.

To see the exact location of the village of Drachevo on the map, please click on:


Drachevo - Bulgaria. Property in Bulgaria, Bulgarian property, Cheap Bulgarian Properties for sale. Rural houses in Bulgaria. Cheap house for sale in Bulgaria., 1