The town of Bulgarovo is a small town, it is located in the south-eastern part of Bulgaria, in Burgas region. The town of Bulgarovo is declaring for a town in 1974. For the subsistence of the town, are found in old Turkish knowledge from 1750.
The Bourgas region is one of the most developed regions in the Republic of Bulgaria. It is the second largest in area (next to the Sofia region) and the fourth populated region of the country.
The geo-strategical situation of the region is a factor of national importance well acknowledged by several countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Here goes the crossing of both traditional and newbuilt axes of economical and political interests as follows: Europe-Near East-Asia; Europe-Middle East-Asia; Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Western Europe
Bourgas region is an important "Entrance/Exit" of Bulgaria. Circa 74 % of the annual import/export of the country goes exlusively through the Port of Bourgas.
To see the exact location of the town of Bulgarovo on the map, pleace click on: