Village of Orlov dol (Haskovo District) is located in South-Central Bulgaria. It is part of Topolovgrad Municipality.
Area size of Village of Orlov dol: 60.1km2
Population of Village of Orlov dol: 550 inhabitants (to 01/01/2007)
The Topolovgrad municipality is located in South-Central Bulgaria (Haskovo District) on the northern slopes of Sakar Mountain and the lower stream of the Toundzha River. It borders 7 other municipalities and the Republic of Turkey near Prisadets village.
The Municipality consists of town of Topolovgard (municipal center) and 20 villages. It is crossed by several; transport roads: Road P-76 Harmanli - Topolovgrad - Elhovo - Bourgas, a main connection to the southern part of the Black Sea coast; Road 11-78 Radovets - Topolovgrad - Radnevo, connection to Central Bulgaria; Road Svilengrad - Radovets - Elhovo, for direct access from northeastern Bulgaria to Kapitan Andreevo border control point.
Of national and historic importance on the teritory of municipality Topolovgrad are the dolmens in the villages Hlyabovo, Bulgarska Polyana and Sakartsi - these are megalith tombstones to the indigenous population dating back to 12 - 7 - 6 c. B.C. The easiest is the access to the dolmen in the Nachevi Chairi locality to the southeast of Hlyabovo village. Paleokastro ritual complex at 3 km to the west of Topolovgrad is a settlement with a fortress, which has existed for over 1,500 years and is located on the very peak and spreads to the north of it. There are 150 rock suns (convex and concave) carved in the rocks.