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8, Targovska Str. , floor 2

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8, Targovska Str., floor 2, Elhovo, Bulgaria
Phones: +359 877777960;
+359 885841230;
+359 887762939

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The village of Radovets is situated in the South-eastern part of Bulgaria, 27 km north-west of Topolovgrad, 25 km north-easter of Elhovo, 40 km from the Bulgarian-Turkish border /the check point – Lesovo/, 65 km from the Bulgarian-Greek border and 125 km from Burgas.
The village of Radovets is located, 5km west of the right waterside of the Tundja river.
Tyndja river is the biggest feeder of Maritsa river, that flow in it of Turkish territory. The river take its source of central part of Stara Mountain, near the town of Yambol, running right to of east and there bend of  900 and accept direction in the south and keep it as flow in Maritsa river. The length of the river by border is 350 km, the Tundja river accept about 50 feeders, which the biggest feeders of this are: Mochuritsa river, Poporska river,  Sinapovska river and others.
The Tundja river valley from the west include Kazanlashko and Slivensko field, in the south  - Yambolsko and Elhovsko field, as from the west St. Iliiskli and Manastirslki elevations, from the east Straldja Mountain.
The village of Radovets is lying in the Topolovgrad Municipality, in Haskovo region.

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Radovetz - Bulgaria. Property in Bulgaria, Bulgarian property, Cheap Bulgarian Properties for sale. Rural houses in Bulgaria. Cheap house for sale in Bulgaria., 1