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    The village of Kalugerovo lies in southern Bulgaria 10 km from the town of Simeonovgrad. Simeonovgrad is a town and a municipality which includes 9 settlements with 10338 residents. It is part of Haskovo Province.
   Haskovo Province is a province in southern Bulgaria, neighbouring Greece and Turkey to the southeast. It has a territory of 5,543 km? and population of 279,067. It comprises parts of the Thracian valley along the river Maritsa (Evros, Meric). Its main city is Haskovo, while other towns include Dimitrovgrad, Harmanli, Lyubimets, Maritsa, Svilengrad, Ivaylovgrad, Madzharovo, Merichleri, Simeonovgrad,Topolovgrad.
   The village of Kalugerovo has a large history. An ancient Roman road passed to the south of the village where a large Thracian-Roman settlement was lying(III and IV century). Several thousands of Roman coins were found here, scores of lead steals for the packed goods of the market which offered a major part of the agricultural production of the region.
   In the present the village is well developed offering all amenities needed for a normal living including three groceries, cafe bar, library, post office and bus transport to the town. It stands at a flat terrain providing nice outlook. There is also a regular bus and railway transport. The agriculture is also well developed.

Kalugerovo - Bulgaria. Property in Bulgaria, Bulgarian property, Cheap Bulgarian Properties for sale. Rural houses in Bulgaria. Cheap house for sale in Bulgaria., 1